How to create a Support Ticket

Creating a support ticket for the Ranplan support team.

There are a couple of ways to create a support ticket for any issues using the Ranplan software.

  1. Visit the Ranplan website and navigate to the support form.
    The support form URL is
  2. Send an email to

When sending a support email please try to include the following details:

  1. Write a concise subject line.
  2. Indicate what service type your support email is about, here is a list of the common support requests:
    1. Bug/Error
    2. Feature Request
    3. License Request
    4. Information Reguest
    5. Device Database
    6. Work machine change
    7. License user change
    8. Training 
  3. Give a full description of your problem.
  4. Add a screenshot or screen recording.
  5. Also indicate which version of software you are using.