Modelling a tunnel in a ranplan project
When modelling a section of tunnel inside Ranplan there are two tasks which much be completed.
Firstly, you must define the route of the tunnel and second you will need to define the profile or shape of the tunnel.
The route of the tunnel can be defined relative to a route or number of points plotted on a map which can be imported as a background image.
The profile or shape of the tunnel can be drawn using a background image imported from PDF, DWG or a standard image file.
The following video will show you the steps to creating a tunnel.
- Ranplan can support imports from .obj and .stl files. Often there is the consideration for permanent structures however with the insertion of 3D objects such as trains, cars and appliances, you can consider the real-world scenario with common objects in place.
- Each object can be assigned the correct materials to factor in the RF propagation analysis.
- Enhancements to the tunnel modelling allow for horizontal and vertical profiling to replicate the tunnel precisely (e.g. tunnels going underground). Mesh modelling supports the quick and easy creation of merged structures such as cross-tunnel junctions.