Supported GIS data formats
The Outdoor Module in Ranplan Professional currently accepts GIS Data in Plan Net format, this is not to be confused with Infovista Planet. Plan Net GIS data consists of 3 main entities:
3D Building vectors please note that these are mandatory. (old info, probably not accurate)
- SHP converted into building vector data.
- TAB converted into partial building vector data.
- DHM converted into building vector data.
Terrain data
- IMG converted into terrain data.
- DTM converted into terrain data or clutter data.
- Clutter data
- GRC converted into clutter data.
- DEM converted in to building vector data.
3D Building Vectors data - please note that these are mandatory
- SHP (Shape file),
- SHX (contains a shape or font compiled by Autodesk AutoCAD from an SHP shape file or . PFB font file.)
- TAB (developed by Mapinfo and is a geospatial vector data format)
Terrain data:
- DEM (Digital Elevation Model)
- DTM (Digital Terrain Model) A DTM is a vector data set composed of regularly spaced points and natural features such as ridges and breaklines. A DTM augments a DEM by including linear features of the bare-earth terrain.
- GRD (ESRI grid format) A file with the GRD file extension is most likely an Adobe Photoshop Gradient file.
- Clutter data
- GRC ((Classified Grid) raster files that are produced by MapInfo)
- (dBASE ESRI Shapefile)
- MID, or MIF MapInfo file
- TXT Planet file